Is your website readable?
The average reading level of adult Americans is at the 8th grade level. Experts recommend that to be readable by the average American, a web page should be at the 6th grade reading level. Use WriteClearly to easily test the reading grade level of a web page with a single click.
↓ Drag this button to your web browser’s bookmarks bar ↓

Improve your website
Get specific suggestions on how to improve web pages with simpler, more effective writing using plain language. Analyze the whole page or selected passages. Catch long sentences, spot complex words, and search for simpler synonyms.
↓ Drag this button to your web browser’s bookmarks bar ↓
Nothing To Install
WriteClearly is a “bookmarklet” that runs in your web browser. Simply drag-and-drop the bookmarklet to your browser’s bookmarks bar. Nothing to install or update. The bookmarklet works with the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer on Windows PCs, Macs, and Linux.

↓ Drag this button to your web browser’s bookmarks bar ↓
Visit the web page you want to analyze and click on the WriteCleary bookmark in your web browser’s bookmark bar. To inspect only part of the text on a web page, select the text and then click on the WriteClearly bookmark.
WriteClearly in Google Docs
You can run WriteClearly on your Google Docs too. WriteClearly is available as a Google Docs Addon.
WriteClearly in Office365
You can run WriteClearly on your Office365 app:
1. When in your Microsoft Word document, click “Add-Ins” in the toolbar ribbon

2. Search for “WriteClearly” and add it

3. When you return to the document, WriteClearly should now be present
WriteClearly API
You can use WriteClearly in your own applications via the OpenAdvocate WriteClearly API. Use the API to send text to WriteClearly for analysis and receive the results to display in your own application.
Yes, It’s Free
WriteClearly was funded in part by the Legal Services Corporation and by contributions from Urban Insight. Use it. And tell your friends.
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